Core Transport Agent (CTA) Price Comparison Tables as of January 2024.

The price comparison tables in the links below include the pricing plans offered by each registered Core Transport Agent (CTA) so that consumers can compare plans. The CTAs submit updated pricing plans to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) twice a year in January and June. For the most updated information, consumers can check the website of the CTA of their choice. CTA rates are not regulated and may change at any time based on the terms and conditions of the contract.

For more information about CTAs and contact information for our Consumer Affairs Branch, see our Consumer Guide

For questions about the price comparison tables, please contact


Pacific Gas & Electric Service Territory:

Commercial Customer Rates

Residential Customer Rates


Southern California Gas Company Service Territory:

Commercial Customer Rates

Residential Customer Rates


San Diego Gas & Electric Service Territory:

Commercial Customer Rates

Residential Customer Rates


Southwest Gas Company Service Territory:

Commercial Customer Rates

Residential Customer Rates