Current Projects
The following projects are currently under CPUC environmental review, or are being monitored in construction, in accordance with California Environment Quality Act (CEQA). If you would like information on prior projects, please click on the Past Projects page.
LS Power
- LSPGC Round Mountain Dynamic Reactive Support Project (A.22-04-004) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- LS Power Grid California, LLC Gates 500 kV Dynamic Reactive Support Project (A.21-02-018) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- LS Power Grid California, LLC (LSPGC) Collinsville 500/230 Kilovolt Substation Project In Permitting Process
- LS Power Grid California, LLC (LSPGC) Manning 500/230 kV Substation Project In Permitting Process
- LS Power Grid California, LLC (LSPGC) Power Santa Clara Valley Project (A.24-04-017)
LS Power Grid California, LLC (LSPGC) Power the South Bay Project (A.24-05-014)
- Egbert Switching Station Project - Martin Substation Extension (A.17-12-021) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Estrella Substation and Paso Robles Area Reinforcement Project (A.17-01-023) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Humboldt Bay - Humboldt No.1 60kV Reconducting Project (A.19-02-004) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Moraga-Oakland X 115 kV Rebuild Project (A.24-11-005) In Permitting Process
- Northern San Joaquin 230 kV Transmission Project (A.23-09-001) In Permitting Process
Plainfield Substation Upgrade Project (A.24-06-008) In Permitting Process
- Vierra Reinforcement Project (A.18-06-004) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Lassen Substation Project (A.15-11-005) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Alberhill System Project (A.09-09-022) In Permitting Process
- Cal City Substation 115 kV Upgrade Project (Application No. A.23-03-005) In Permitting Process
- Control-Silver Peak Project (Application No. A.21-08-009) In Permitting Process
- Eldorado-Lugo-Mohave Series Capacitor Project (A.18-05-007) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Ivanpah-Control Project (A.19-07-015) In Permitting Process
- Kern River Transmission Line Rating Remediation (TLRR) Project (A.22-02-014) In Permitting Process
- Mesa 500-kV Substation Project (A.15-03-003) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Riverside Transmission Reliability Project (A.15-04-013) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Eldorado-Pisgah-Lugo 220 kV Transmission Line Rating Remediation Project (A.23-04-009) In Permitting Process
- West of Devers Upgrade Project (A.13-10-020) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Cleveland National Forest Projects (A.12-10-009) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- South Orange County Reliability Enhancement (SCORE) Project (A.12-05-020) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- TL 649 Wood to Steel Replacement Project (A.15-08-006) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- TL 674A Reconfiguration and TL666D Removal Project (A17-06-029) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- TL 695 and TL 6971 Reconductor Project (A.16-04-022) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Digital 299 Broadband Project Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Klamath River Rural Broadband Initiative (Commission Resolution T-17418) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- TDS Telecom Olinda Last Mile Underserved Broadband Project (Commission Resolution T-17411 and T-17517) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Zayo Group LLC, Prineville to Reno Fiber Optic Project (A.20-10-008) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Monterey Peninsula Water Supply Project (A.12-04-019) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
Natural Gas Storage
- Southern California Gas Company - Ventura Compressor Station Modernization Project (A.23-08-019) In Permitting Process
- Southern California Gas Company - Aliso Canyon Turbine Replacement Project (A.09-09-020) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- Delaney Colorado River Transmission Ten West Link Project (A.16-10-012) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase
- NextEra Energy Transmission West LLC, Suncrest Dynamic Reactive Power Support Project (A.15-08-027) Project Approved: Post-CEQA Monitoring Phase