Please see the programs below to find out how to enroll in income qualified programs or get assistance paying your utility bill.

  • California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) - Provides a 30-35%1 discount on your electric bill and 20% on your gas bill.
  • The Family Electric Rate Assistance Program (FERA) - Bills some of your electricity usage at a lower rate.
  • Energy Savings Assistance Program - Provides no-cost weatherization services.
  • Discounts, Payment Plans, and Assistance Paying Your Bill - Some utilities offer payment assistance programs for their customers.
  • Medical Baseline - Extra allowances of energy are billed at the lowest rate for customers who rely on medical-related equipment.
  • Federal Low-Income Programs - Administered by the Department of Community Services and Development (CSD).

For assistance with telecommunications and broadband:

Quick Links to Income Qualified Program Tools

ESA/CARE Publications

Monthly Reports: 


Annual Reports:


Low Income/ESA Reports:



1For the CARE Program, electrical corporations with 100,000 or more customer accounts in California offer a 30% - 35% discount as required by Public Utilities Code Section 739.1.  Electrical corporations with fewer than 100,000 customer accounts in California offer a 20% discount.

2Per the Commission decision D.16-11-022 (Section 5.4.2) on ESA and CARE Programs, the Commission is required to post draft and final audit reports on the Commission's Income Qualified Programs webpage.