RPS Procurement Programs
The RPS solicitation process is the primary policy framework for the development of utility-scale renewable energy in California. Typically, California’s three large investor owned utilities (IOUs) issue annul solicitations for renewable energy contracts, however, the utilities may also procure renewable energy through all-source solicitations and bilateral contracts. In addition, the Commission has recently created or is considering a variety of programs to encourage procurement of distributed generation.
Procurement Plans
The RPS Procurement Plan requirement is focused on ensuring that retail sellers have engaged in proper planning for procurements able to meet RPS requirements. Plan elements include information on current renewable portfolio information, upcoming solicitation plans for renewable energy, and long-term planning for renewable energy procurement. The plans also include possible compliance delay factors, risk assessment for RPS projects and plans for sales of renewable energy. RPS Procurement Plans may be found in the RPS proceeding docket.
For more information on RPS Procurement Plans, please click here
Utility Scale Request for Offer (RFO)
The three largest investor-owned utilities in California contract for long-term, utility-scale supplies of renewable energy through annual competitive requests for offers called “RFOs.” The CPUC established this program for utility procurement of renewable energy to ensure that the utilities meet their RPS obligations through a transparent process.Renewable Auction Mechanism (RAM)
The Renewable Auction Mechanism, or RAM, is a simplified market-based procurement mechanism for renewable distributed generation (DG) projects greater than 3 MW and up to 20 MW on the system side of the meter.For additional information on the RAM program, please click here.
For additional information on the BioRAM program, please click here.
RPS Feed-in Tariff Program: ReMAT
The Renewable Market Adjusting Tariff (ReMAT) is a feed-in tariff program for renewable generators less than 3 MW in size. This program offers up to 493.6 MW to eligible projects through a fixed-price standard contract to export electricity to California’s three large investor owned utilities (IOUs). The ReMAT Program replaced the AB 1969 Feed-in Tariff Program in 2013.
For additional information on the ReMAT program, please click here.
SB 1122: BioMAT
The Bioenergy Feed-in Tariff Program or Bioenergy Market Adjusting Tariff (BioMAT) is a feed-in tariff program for bioenergy renewable generators less than 3 MW in size. This program offers up to 250 MW to eligible projects through a fixed-price standard contract to export electricity to California’s three large investor owned utilities (IOUs).For additional information on the SB 1122 BioMAT program, please click here.
Utility Solar Rooftop (SPVP)
The Commission authorized Southern California Edison (SCE), Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E), and San Diego Gas & Electric Company (SDG&E) to own and operate solar PV facilities (UOG) as well as to execute solar PV power purchase agreements with independent power producers (IPP) through a competitive solicitation process.
For additional information on the SPVP program, please click here.