2025 Potential and Goals

The page includes all materials and data for the in-process 2025 Potential and Goals Study. It also includes information about past and upcoming activities conducted by the Commission during the process of creating the 2025 update of the Energy Efficiency Potential Goals Study. The Potential and Goals Study will inform the Commission's next adoption of updated Energy Efficiency Goals, scheduled for 2025.

2025 Potential and Goals Final Workplan

The 2025 Potential and Goals Final Workplan, which details the approach to the upcoming PGS cycle, is linked below:

Measure Characterization

We are soliciting informal stakeholder comments and feedback on the proposed Residential and Commercial (ResCom) Measure List.

Stakeholders may comment directly in the designated stakeholder comment column in Excel and e-mail the file as a response. Stakeholders may also provide comments in written format outside of Excel, though we ask that you cite specific measure names where possible. Please consider the following questions when writing your comments:

  • Are there additional measures or technologies that should be included? Or proposed measures that should be excluded?
  • If so, which are the highest priority to incorporate into the 2025 Study?
  • Do you have program and measure (including fuel substitution) data to share that’s not available via eTRM/DEER/Workpapers or CEDARS?

The Proposed Measure List and Overview README File are linked below:

Proposed Measure List

Measure List Overview and Methodology_README

Please send your comments and feedback by June 12th, 2024 to:

Draft Workplan

The 2025 Potential and Goals Study Draft Workplan is linked below:

Past Workshops

2025 Energy Efficiency (EE) Potential and Goals Study (PGS) Draft Workplan

The CPUC hosted a webinar to present the proposed 2025 Energy Efficiency (EE) Potential and Goals Study Draft (PGS) Workplan

  • The recording is available here (password: cTpXMpS5)   
  • The slide deck is available here

2025 Energy Efficiency (EE) Potential and Goals Study (PGS) Updates
The CPUC hosted a webinar to present proposed updates to the 2025 Energy Efficiency (EE) Potential and Goals Study (PGS) model, and a revised timeline.

  • The recording is available here (password: 7kCXe7CJ)
  • The slide deck is available here