2015 Potential & Goals Study
2015 Potential & Goals Study
The 2015 Study is an “update study” relative to the 2013 Study. The model developed in the 2013 Study serves as the methodological basis for this study. For more information, contact Paula Gruendling at paula.gruendling@cpuc.ca.gov.
9/25/2015 Final Report and Goals release
7/13/2015 Draft Report and Goals release via Proposed Decision and Commenting period
5/15/2015 Draft Report release via Ruling and Commenting period
- Draft report
- Updated Results Viewer
- Updated Model
- Updated MICS Dataset
4/21/2015 Draft Results and Comments Webinar
- Response to 3/17 Workshop Comments
- Calibration memo
- Staff will be hosting a webinar on April 21, Tuesday to provide a venue to discuss comments to the 2015 Potential Study draft results. The goal of the webinar is to have a venue for stakeholders to see the comments from all stakeholders grouped by topic (e.g. Res/Com, AIMS, modeling, etc.). The webinar will also be a venue for stakeholders to elaborate on their comments if they feel necessary. In addition, the CPUC and Navigant will provide some initial responses to the comments. Please understand the scope of the discussion will focused on existing comments about the draft results and technical topics. Any big picture policy issues will be deferred to the formal proceeding and formal comment period. Staff and Navigant may not have responded to all the comments by the date of the webinar but will do the best to provide feedback.
3/17/2015 Draft Results Workshop
- All written stakeholder comments with Commission staff responses.
- Commission staff will be hosting a in person workshop to walk through and discuss the 2015 Energy Efficiency Potential and Goals draft results. Staff and the Potential and Goals consulting team will review the draft results and go into detail on the different areas of the study.
- The study will provide output of energy efficiency goals to guide the 2016 energy efficiency portfolio.
2/17/2015 Model Calibration Webinar - Slides
- The Potential and Goals team will be hosting an online webinar to present and discuss calibration of the Potential model. Participants have asked questions and commented many concerns surrounding calibration. This webinar aims to answer those questions and clarifies those concerns.
1/30/2015 Model Update from 10-12 Evaluation Workshop - Slides
- Navigant and CPUC staffs are hosting a DAWG in person workshop to discuss the use of the latest EMV updates in regards to the Potential and Goals Study Update. The workshop will aim to let stakeholders review the methodology used to update the model before the March 2015 draft release.
- Comments can be provided at http://www.energydataweb.com/cpuc/search.aspx. Search for "2015P&G EMV Summary" in search text box.
- Responses to Comments
1/13/2015 Industry Standard Practice Webinar - Slides
- Navigant and CPUC staffs are hosting a webinar to discuss Industrial Standard Practices in regards to the Potential and Goals Study Update. Stakeholders requested this discussion during the kickoff stakeholder workshop held on 11/7/2014.
11/7/2014 Potential and Goals Study Kickoff Workshop - Slides
- Initiate public discussion of the 2015 CPUC Energy Efficiency Potential Study
The RFP and the Scope of Work for 13PS5048 can be found in the links.
To participate in the technical stakeholder process for the study, please visit the Demand Analysis Working Group's website for the calendar of meetings and locations