DAC-GT and CSGT Procurement
Procurement Information
Pursuant to D.18-06-027 and Resolution E-4999, PG&E, SCE, and SDG&E are required to hold at least two solicitations per year until the program capacity allocation is met. Generally, these investor-owned-utility (IOU) solicitations for the DAC-GT and CSGT programs are held twice each year during the spring and fall and are issued alongside solicitations for the Green Tariff Shared Renewables Program.
Pursuant to Resolutions E-5102, E-5124, and E-5130, eligible CCAs are required to hold at least one solicitation per year, or as necessary, until available capacity is fully procured.
More information can be found here on each Program Administrator’s website:
- CalChoice Energy Authority (Lancaster Choice Energy, Pico Rivera Innovative Municipal Energy, and San Jacinto Power)
- DAC-GT Only
- More Information
- For a list of RFPs and contact information, visit CalChoice’s website
- DAC-GT Only
- Clean Power Alliance
- If you would like to be added to CPA’s email list to receive notification of solicitations, please contact procurement@cleanpoweralliance.org
- CleanPowerSF
- Community Sponsor Information
- To join CPSF’s distribution list, sign up at the bottom of their Energy Vendor page.
- East Bay Clean Energy
- To join EBCE’s mailing list to receive notification of solicitations, sign up on their website
- Marin Clean Energy
- Community Sponsor Information
- If you would like to be notified of future MCE procurement opportunities, please fill out the RFO Interest Form.
- Pacific Gas & Electric
- RFO1: Spring 2020
- RFO2: Fall 2020
- RFO 3: Spring 2021
- RFO 4: Launching by end of 2021
- To receive notices about this solicitation and to be added to PG&E's RFO Distribution List, visit Distribution List Form
- Peninsula Clean Energy
- To join PCE’s newsletter mailing list, sign up on their website.
- San Diego Gas & Electric
- RFO1: Spring 2020
- RFO2: Fall 2020
- RFO3: Spring 2021
- RFO4: Fall 2021
- Due to a lack of bids, future RFOs have been suspended until the Commission rules on the 2022 DAC-GT & CSGT Applications for Review. Read more here
- For those who wish to receive notification of SDG&E RFOs, complete the SDG&E Solicitation - Request for Offer/Proposal Distribution List form
- San Jose Clean Energy
- DAC-GT Only
- To join SJCE’s newsletter mailing list, sign up on their website
- Southern California Edison
- RFO1: Spring 2020
- RFO2: Fall 2020
- RFO3: Spring 2021
- RFO4: Fall 2021
- Due to a lack of successful offers, future RFOs have been suspended until the Commission rules on the 2022 DAC-GT & CSGT Applications for Review. Read more here
- Community Sponsor Information
- For those interested in receiving market notice updates on current and upcoming Request for Offers (RFOs) and program information, please send a request to SCEEnergyProcurement@sce.com