Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group (DACAG) Meeting
Date | 05/17/2024 |
Time | 01:00 PM |
Contact | DAC-AG@cpuc.ca.gov |
Webcast | https://cpuc.webex.com/cpuc/j.php?MTID=m31f7e7b1490c466418487de70fdc8ebe |
Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group Meeting
Friday, May 17, 2024
1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Teleconference via Webex
See Attendance Instructions below.
Primary Physical Meeting Location(s)
California Public Utilities Commission – San Francisco Office
1st Floor Courtyard Room 505 Van Ness Ave. San Francisco, CA 94102
Notice of Meeting
The Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group (DACAG) to the California Energy Commission (CEC) and the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) aims to begin promptly at the start time, and the end time is an estimate based on the agenda proposed. The meeting may end sooner or later than the posted end time depending on various factors. The meeting will be held via Teleconference & Remote Access, with a primary physical meeting location as noted above.
Any of the members of the DACAG may participate remotely. The public can participate remotely as instructed below or physically attend at the primary physical meeting location. The meeting may be recorded.
Any of the agenda items, other than welcome, public comments, member announcements, and future meeting planning, may include a motion for specific action related to the topic and vote of the DACAG.
- Welcome and roll call of the members.
- Public Comment. General public comment regarding items on or off the agenda related to the work done by the DACAG.
- Opening remarks by the CEC and CPUC leadership.
- Minutes. Possible approval of the April 19, 2024, DACAG meeting minutes.
- New DACAG Members. Introduction and meet and greet with any newly appointed DACAG members.
- National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI). CEC Fuels and Transportation Division staff to present and solicit feedback on the proposed 2024 Update to the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program Deployment Plan.
- DACAG Officers. DACAG may discuss, nominate and appoint DACAG officers, including the Chair, Vice Chair, and Secretary.
- Priority Areas. DACAG members to provide updates and announcements regarding DACAG 2 priority areas and associated activities. Members may discuss and revise items related to the 2024 priority areas, including the identification of subject matter experts.
- Affordability.
- Building, Industrial, Gas System Decarbonization, and Clean Renewable Hydrogen.
- Electric Program Investment Charge Program (EPIC).
- Electricity Reliability, Resiliency, and Load Flexibility (Including Distribution and Transmission Grid Planning and Distributed Energy Resources).
- Long-term Planning (SB 100, SB 350, IEPR, Offshore Wind, Lithium Valley Vision, Long-term Natural Gas, Smart Grids and Broadband).
- Transportation Electrification and Zero Emission Transportation.
- Tribal and Community Engagement and Participation.
- Workforce Training and Development.
- DACAG Equity Framework. DACAG discussion on current equity framework and possibly adopt revisions to the framework.
- Low-Income Oversight Board (LIOB). DACAG member(s) to provide any update(s) regarding engagement with the LIOB.
- Agency Announcements. CEC and CPUC staff to provide any agency announcements.
- Agenda-Setting and Attendance. DACAG member(s) may propose and discuss any agenda items for future DACAG meetings and provide expected attendance for the next DACAG meeting.
- Public Comment. General public comment regarding items on or off the agenda related to the work done by the DACAG.
- Adjourn.
Pursuant to Senate Bill (SB) 350, Clean Energy and Pollution Reduction Act of 2015 (De León, Chapter 547, Statutes of 2015), the CEC and the CPUC have established the DACAG. The charter and appointment information can be found on the CEC website at https://www.energy.ca.gov/sb350/DCAG. The DACAG advises the two commissions on the effectiveness of programs related to SB 350 in disadvantaged communities.
Attendance and Commenting Instructions for Webex
To join remotely, click this link:
Meeting ID (Webinar number): 2495 833 9453
Password: MayDACAG (62932225 from phones and video systems)
To Participate by Telephone:
1-855-282-6330 United States Toll Free +1-415-655-0002 United States Toll.
Access code: 249 583 39453 3
Webex’s closed captioning service will be enabled for the meeting. Attendees can use the service by pressing Ctrl + Shift + A or clicking on the bottom left CC icon. Once captions are turned on, attendees can click the three dots (…) “more” option at the bottom right of the caption box to view Captions & Highlights.
Webex Difficulty: Go to https://help.webex.com/en-us or contact CPUC at (415) 703-5263.
Commenting at the Meeting. If you join by the Webex platform, use the “raise hand” feature to get in the queue to speak and a moderator will call on you. If you join by phone, press *3 to raise your hand and *6 to unmute/mute. If you are in-person, you will be called upon.
Public Comment
Written comments. Please note that written comments, attachments, and associated contact information (for example, address, phone number, and email address) become part of the viewable public record. This information may become available via internet search engines. Written comments will be accepted via one of the following three options:
- Email comments to CEC staff at publicadvisor@energy.ca.gov and CPUC staff at DAC-AG@cpuc.ca.gov. Specify in the subject line that comments are regarding the meeting of the DACAG.
- Submit comments using CEC’s electronic commenting system:
- Go to: https://efiling.energy.ca.gov/ECommen.t/ECommentSelectProceeding.aspx.
- Type “16-OIR-06” into the “Select a Proceeding” field and select when prompted.
- Click “Continue” to add a comment. Commenters are required to input their name, email address, and comment title.
- Comment title can be “[Individual or Company Name] Comment re: Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group Meeting.”
- Type comments into the “Comment Text” field or upload a document with your comments.
- Uploaded documents should be in a downloadable, searchable format such as Microsoft® Word or Adobe® Acrobat® and 10 MB or under in size.
- Enter the CAPTCHA that is used to prevent spamming on the website. Then click on “Agree and Submit your Comments.”
- Mail paper comments to: California Energy Commission, Docket Unit, MS-4, Re: Docket No. 16- OIR-06, 715 P Street, Sacramento, CA 95814. DACAG members may not receive mailed paper comments before the meeting, due to delays in the distribution of physical materials to members statewide. Therefore electronic submission of any comments via e-filing or email is encouraged.
CPUC Specialized Accommodations. If specialized accommodations are required to attend, such as non-English or sign language interpreters, please contact the CPUC’s Public Advisor’s Office at public.advisor@cpuc.ca.gov or toll-free at 866-849-8390 at least five business days in advance of the event.
CEC Media inquiries. Email mediaoffice@energy.ca.gov or call (916) 654-4989.
CPUC Media inquiries. Email news@cpuc.ca.gov or call (415) 703-1366.
CEC General Inquiries. Email Dorothy Murimi at dorothy.murimi@energy.ca.gov with “DACAG” in the subject line for emails or call (916) 957-7910.
CPUC General Inquiries. Email DAC-AG@cpuc.ca.gov or call 1-866-849-8390.
Commissioner Attendance
A majority of commissioners from the CEC or CPUC may be present at this event in compliance with Government Code section 11122.5(c)(4) but will not act on any matters. Advisors to the commissioners may also be in attendance. Parties to any proceedings pending before the CEC or CPUC who are participating in this DACAG meeting are asked to abide by any ex parte rules applicable to those proceedings regarding specific communications that may require prior notice.
Availability of Documents
Documents and presentations for this meeting will be available online at https://efiling.energy.ca.gov/Lists/DocketLog.aspx?docketnumber=16-OIR-06, as well as the CEC’s DACAG webpage found at https://www.energy.ca.gov/about/campaigns/equity-anddiversity/disadvantaged-communities-advisory-group
This document was sent to the following CEC email subscriptions: Barriers Report SB 350, Disadvantaged Communities Advisory Group, Diversity Outreach Program, Clean Transportation Program, Tribal Program, Electric Program Investment Charge (EPIC) Program, Climate Change Issues, Decarbonization Topics, Efficiency Topics, Greenhouse Gas Emission Impacts of Power Plants, and Joint-Agency Report – SB 100.
This document was also sent to the following CPUC service lists: R.19-10-005, R.12-11-005, R.20- 05-012, R.14-07-002, R.20-08-020, R.18-12-006, A.18-06-015, R.13-02-008, R.18-10-007, R.18-12- 005, I.19-11-013, R.15-05-006, R.18-12-006, R.19-09-009, A.19-11-003, A-20-03-014, R.20-05- 003, R.23-12-008, R.20-08-022, R.15-03-010, A.20-03-014, R.13-11-005, R.18-07-005, R.18-07- 006, R.20-07-013, R.17-06-024, R.20-01-007, R.19-01-011, A.21-12-009, A.22-08-003, R.18-04- 018, R.20-01-007 and A.23-01-004.